Recent Articles

January 29, 2014

Introducing Dimmers

Whether you'd like to adjust your home's lighting for convenience, security, or simply to set the mood, we've got you covered: Today, we're adding a new functionality to the "Lights & Switches" section of the Dashboard, and also to "Hello, Home," that makes it easier than ever to set your lights to automatically dim. (more…)
January 29, 2014

Man’s Best Friends: Dogs & SmartThings

A dog owner talks about how he uses SmartThings to monitor his pooch's health and prevent accidents before they happen. (more…)
January 28, 2014

Android Update

We’ve just pushed out our major Android app release to the first batch of beta testers. (more…)
January 15, 2014

SmartThings-Powered Robot Makes the Perfect Cocktail

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="207"] SmartThings reminds you to please drink responsibly when controlling robots.[/caption] In addition to securing your doors and locks, keeping an eye on loved ones, and triggering your home to automatically adjust to your unique preferences and patterns, SmartThings can also pour you a mean drink. Juan Pablo Risso, a developer from the SmartThings community, has integrated our platform with the Kickstarter-backed Bartendro to create the ultimate party trick: a robot bartender that will make your favorite cocktail with the push of a button. We took it out for a spin alongside some of our early backers, supporters, and partners inside the #HelloSmartHome at CES last week to see if it could pour us a Bloody Mary or screwdriver on command. Check it out... (more…)
January 14, 2014

How SmartThings Saved Me During the Polar Vortex–Twice

A Minnesota native describes how SmartThings helped save his home and property from costly repairs two different times during last week's extreme sub-zero Arctic freeze. (more…)
January 13, 2014

The Ridiculous Possibilities of a Connected Home

Engadget stopped by the #HelloSmartHome at this year's CES to see how SmartThings Labs is propelling the connected home to a whole new level. Look for some cool and useful integrations with Sonos, Belkin WeMo, and Philips hue, as well as a few yet-to-be-released integrations with great brands like Jawbone, August, and Ubi.
January 13, 2014

Why Home Automation is Being Disrupted

Jonathan Geller, the President and Editor-in-chief of BGR, discusses the changing landscape in home automation, and why the space will be won by companies willing to open up their platform with others and integrate at an affordable price. (more…)
January 7, 2014

(VIDEO) Bloomberg: Inside the Smart Home of Tomorrow

Bloomberg Businessweek steps foot inside SmartThings' #HelloSmartHome at CES to experience the home of tomorrow, available today. Click here to watch the video.