Recent Articles

January 21, 2016

A Busted Pipe in the Middle of the Night

A customer writes in to tell the story of how she used SmartThings on her Windows Phone to... well... save the day. (more…)
February 12, 2015

Jeff Hagins on SmartThings’ Beginnings

SmartThings' CTO, Jeff Hagins, stepped on stage at this week's Startup Grind conference to tell the story of how a personal disaster sparked the idea for SmartThings just three years ago, how it's evolved, and how far it still has to go. (more…)
May 8, 2014

A Future with the Internet of Things

SmartThings co-founder and CTO Jeff Hagins describes how the Internet of Things will add immense value to people's lives and change how we interact with the physical world around us. (more…)